We define Christian counseling as the process of applying God’s Word to the heart, mind, soul, and strength of those whom we serve. The purpose of counseling is to develop maturity on every level: spiritual, emotional, intellectual, interpersonal, social, economic, and physical. We believe that health and well-being is ultimately rooted in a personal relationship with God through the person of Jesus Christ, but we approach counseling by adopting His philosophy of meeting people wherever they are in their journey. We believe the counseling agent of change is the Holy Spirit working through an authentic relationship between the client and the counselor.
We believe that psychology, like any academic discipline, is most useful when critically examined through the lens of the Old and New Testament. When modern theories and methods of psychology conflict with biblical truth, Scripture is preeminent.
(adapted from Wellspring Counseling Ministries)
Board members, staff, counselors, and contract employees are required to sign our statement of faith.

Traditional talk therapy can be highly effective for a variety of issues. HopeSprings’ staff apply their knowledge of psychology, counseling and theology to provide services to families, individuals, groups, children, adults, and adolescents dealing with a variety of issues related to:
Adoption/foster care
Parent/child relationships
Sexual issues
Specialized Services
The enneagram is a personality tool rooted in spirituality that can be utilized to better understand yourself and your motivations. In doing so, it can help transform self-defeating behaviors and problematic relationships. Counselors at HopeSprings implement a Gospel-centered perspective of the enneagram to help you discover God’s healing truth for your life. We believe that the enneagram is an amazing tool, but the Gospel is ultimately what transforms us. HopeSprings’ desire is to assist those who serve in becoming who God created them to be so that they can more effectively and graciously serve others.
SYMBIS - Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts - Based on years of research and feedback, the SYMBIS assessment and curriculum allows couples to explore areas of their relationship with a SYMBIS certified facilitator utilizing the results of each couple’s individualized assessment. The assessment offers insight into areas such as communication and conflict styles, personalities, money methods, and spiritual connection. HopeSprings desires to help marriages be prepared to endure life’s stressors, especially the marriages of those who serve.
PREPARE ENRICH - Due to its solid research foundation and continued reliability, PREPARE ENRICH is considered the global standard for marriage preparation and enrichment. A PREPARE ENRICH certified facilitator will guide couples through their individual assessment in order to provide evidence-based skills and insights for relationship satisfaction. For couples preparing for a future marriage or those struggling with satisfaction after marriage, HopeSprings would like to be an encouraging resource on your journey. HopeSprings’ facilitator also has experience working with couples who have the added unique calling of serving others.
Equine Assisted Psychotherapy - We offer a unique, experiential form of therapy in which horses and humans interact with and learn from each other as part of the healing process.